The works and ongoing projects of Jonathan Ferran

Sunday, February 7, 2010

New computer

I decided I need to build a computer dedicated to being portable. I can't be lugging my whole desktop around whenever I want to show this thing off, so I need something a bit smaller.

Enter the portable desktop computer. It is based off a MicroATX motherboard which is about half the size of a standard desktop motherboard. I had this plastic equipment case lying around that I was just using to store stuff in, it looked like the perfect size to fit the small board. I did some research and found that the maximum dimensions of this type of motherboard is about an inch smaller than the smallest dimension of the case. Yay!

Components fit like a glove.
The standard size power supply dwarfs the micro sized motherboard.

The specs are as follows:

AMD Phenom II 3.1ghz dual core (overclocked to 3.6ghz woot)
ASUS M4N68T-M MicroATX motherboard
4Gb DDR3 1333 ram
old 40gb hard drive
old 400w ATX PSU
to be installed: ATI Radeon 4850 video card
Case is a plastic equipment case I had lying around.

Cost so far: $330

Modifying the case to fit the computer components should be fun. This motherboard fits PERFECTLY in the case with the power supply, it's like it was made for it.

OS installed.
Time from pic above to this point: about 45 minutes.

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